And I really don’t have PTSD

When I look out my window at the blowing swirling snow,
and feel a little of the cold push from the glass,
I remember being told of how cold it was in the Korean War
How there was no relief, no warmth, no sleep, falling off mountains, being stabbed in sleeping bags.
And I profoundly love that I am warm and safe.

When I hold the hand of a toddler at the corner to cross a street,
Often I know a little moment of danger and fear,
I remember a friend who held her child’s hand as she
was hit by a car which failed to stop at a cross walk.
I then try to be so very careful standing near the street, and almost always am.

And that, my friend, is how to live life, if you are safe and warm and are lucky enough to sometimes have a toddler to care for.

– H Lipke

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