Hester Prynne

In a remake of The Scarlet Letter, City Councillor Hester Prynne prepares to comment on whether or not Al Franken should be required to wear a red letter A.

© 2018 Howard Lipke and Aaron Surrain

Still Vote for Hillary

“Yes, Hillary had her problems: Bill, ‘deplorables,’ but I’d still vote for her again. She was the one who would stand up against people all over the country looking down on me as a ‘pointy-headed liberal,’ and spoke to my fear of having poison chemicals in the water maiming my kids.”

© 2018 Howard Lipke and Aaron Surrain

Customer Service

“I was actually OK with it until the customer service person told me how upset I must be. Then one thing led to another.”

© 2018 Howard Lipke and Aaron Surrain

©2004–2025 Howard Lipke